Hello and I hope you are well and safe! I just want to keep you updated on the COVID-19 situation and how it affects my business. 
Business as usual but a mask is required unless you have a health exemption. Hand sanitiser is available on arrival
COVID-19 Safety: It is so important that we all follow the medical and Government guidelines to keep Coronavirus from spreading. Wash your hands often, keep a safe distance (1.5m) away, sanitise work surfaces and items touched frequently. Stay home if you are unwell, cough into your sleeve, sneeze into a tissue and discard it immediately. Most of this is common sense and has proved to keep us healthy.

Hand washing is the simplest thing, right? The first thing you hear me say before I start a treatment is, “I will just wash my hands”and I DO. The thing to remember is wash for 20 seconds AND make sure to get under fingernails where bacteria harbours. Dry hands thoroughly.
Hand sanitiser is so widely promoted and definitely kills germs – it’s 70% alcohol (or higher)! It will kill germs and it will also dry the skin and break down the skin with very frequent use. It is handy to have a small bottle with you or in the car (where you can’t wash your hands). Otherwise washing of the hands is ideal and with that in mind, look what I have added to my natural, organic range…
FACE CARE Antibacterial hand wash – a gentle way to kill the bugs without drying your hands aaaahhhhh relief! You will find the details here along with many other goodies. That is MY hand in the photo by the way! (limited stock remains).
I have the SA Health COVID Safe Plan lodged and I will adhere to current guidelines. Please be patient with appointments and response time, I will be doing my very best (as usual). Be safe, take care and I will update this post with new and relevant information. Don’t forget, you can stock up at my online shop
I can’t wait to see you!! Ask me any of your skin care questions!
Eva xx
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